#SteamGame Startopia Tutorial Series Episode 2 - THE PEEPS - SPACE ALIEN CHARACTERS

#SteamGame Startopia Tutorial Series Episode 2 - THE PEEPS - SPACE ALIEN CHARACTERS

Playing Startopia #SteamGame in SteamVR
Virtual Cinemas (Most Comfortable)
PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO4kzs_QIjI&list=PLFLUB_AigIwG0hTfPkK9VRd9wYlWWLoEg

Startopia The Space Station can be found ...
The Startopia Guide

Peeps are the people of Startopia.

the Peeps are where all the heart, soul and action is. Peeps lead their own simple lives.

There are nine different species, each with their own characteristic theme

Groulien Salt Hogs
They can fill out an armed force in short order, and, I hate to say it, are largely expendable and easily replaced.

The Working class of Outer Space
Small, robust, hardworking and generally poorer than everyone else, Salt Hogs are the easiest characters to deal with.

Grekka Targ
Communications Geeks
These "knee high to a grasshopper" insectile travelers handle Station communications. They man your Comsensors and connect you to the rest of the Universe, and facilitate intelligence gathering on the Station for your security services.

The Greys
Medical Services
These pop icons embody all things to do with medicine and run all your Sick Bays. Unlike Salt Hogs and the Targ, it IS critical to hire skilled Greys, otherwise your medical services can start losing patients! Their character is cold and distant and their culture drab and uninspired. They like cold, snowy Bio-Deck conditions and swimming.

Dahanese Sirens
Hedonistic Lovers
Sirens are only aliens in Startopia that come in sexes, hailing from the same universe that produced Barbarella. These hedonistic, pleasure seeking creatures strut around in G-strings and codpieces, providing Love to the Station's lovelorn in Love Nests.

Security & Breaking Heads
Kasvagorians, or Gors, are based on every Klingon and space warrior race in any Sci-Fi series you care to think of and provide all you security.

They exclusively man the Security Centre; skilled Gors improve the performance of your Security Scuzzers and Security Turrets.

Sleepy Hippies
At the other end of the aggression scale are the Karmaramans. These four armed hippies work exclusively in the Bio-Deck as farmers and environmentalists, turning empty Bio-Decks into verdant forests.

Stripping out too much vegetation in one hit in the Bio-Deck will upset any Karmaraman employees so much they'll promptly resign and leave.

Nerdy Scientists

The uber-nerds of outer space, these two headed, lab coated scientists run all your Laboratories and embody all things scientific, seeking to expand their knowledge and learn the secrets of the Universe.

You'll frequently see them in the Love Nest or gazing wistfully up at the Siren's risque Mother statue.

Zedem Monks
Religious Fanatics
These fellows handle all your Station's spiritual needs and embody all things religious. They build the Zedem Temple in the Bio-Deck, where they attend to the troubled souls of your population.

Visitors and Residents
All aliens are Visitors until you hire them, whereupon they become permanent Residents.

Hope this guide helps explain Startopia #SteamGame - THE PEEPS - SPACE ALIEN CHARACTERS

VERY POSITIVE REVIEWS for the original StarTopia from #SteamGame play members.

Spacebase Startopia trailer looks amazing, watch for it at ...

Classic Startopia theme
Original Startopia Content Playlist

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