#SteamGame Startopia Tutorial Series Episode 1 - THE SPACE STATION

#SteamGame Startopia Tutorial Series Episode 1 - THE SPACE STATION

Playing Startopia #SteamGame in SteamVR
Virtual Cinemas (Most Comfortable)
PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO4kzs_QIjI&list=PLFLUB_AigIwG0hTfPkK9VRd9wYlWWLoEg

Startopia The Space Station can be found ...
The Startopia Guide

Startopia doesn't have different maps. Startopia is played entirely within the same environment: your classic, ring shaped Space Station. Its a majestic spinning torus with three circular decks subdivided into sixteen equal sections. This donut motif is central to Startopia's concept and humor.

Each player starts with their own segment in an otherwise empty and derelict station. As Station Administrators, you are all charged with its renovation and reconstruction, opening new sections and annexing unclaimed territory.

The StarTopia Space Station

The Decks
The Station is subdivided into three major decks:

1 - Engineering Deck
The Engineering Deck is an essential garage level deck.
Lose all your Engineering segments and its Game Over for you.

2 - Entertainment Deck
The Entertainment Deck is also known as the Pleasure Deck.

Building the right buildings will attract the right types of customers. For example, Rough Bars, General Stores, and basic Star Motels will attract cheaper customers like the Salt Hogs; while the fussy Gem Slugs expect expensive accommodation and upmarket facilities like the Cocktail Bar and Slug Apartments. Building the same item several times over will pull in more of the species that's attracted to it.

3 - Bio-Deck
The uppermost deck is a giant glasshouse containing artificial soils and climate control to reproduce alien ecosystems.

You can see across the Station through the panoramic windows, and even truck outside in outer space to take in the whole Station

you need to reproduce the right conditions for each alien species. Bio-Decks are extremely popular for Peeps

Building mountain ranges to climb, deep waterhole's to swim in and lush forests and wilderness to trek through can sometimes attract more patrons than lines of Love Nests and Hotels.

Hope this guide helps explain Startopia #SteamGame - THE STATION, leave your comments below and/or requests

VERY POSITIVE REVIEWS for the original StarTopia from #SteamGame play members.

Spacebase Startopia trailer looks amazing, watch for it at ...

Classic Startopia theme
Original Startopia Content Playlist

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